Tailor-made sleeve soap boxes in vibrant colors and amazing looks generate sales

Customized sleeve packaging for your soaps will offer distinguished looks. Perfectly made die cut sleeve soap boxes in exciting colors will enhance the sales of your packaging. Cardboard or Kraft sleeve boxes combined with lamination in gloss or matte finish will appeal the customers. Order the sleeve soap packaging boxes now by dialing 888-276-1239 and get the ordered boxes delivered to your desired location in the United States & Canada, for free.

  • Size: Available in all shapes and sizes
  • Stock: 14pt, 16pt, 18pt and 24pt White SBS C1S C2S
  • Finishing options: Glossy, Matte, Aqeous Coating, Spot UV
  • Add on choices: Available in all shapes and sizes
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Phone Call: 888-276-1239 Get Quote
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Paperboard Sleeve Boxes Offering Elegant Outlooks

The packaging of soap products is the first thing a consumer will see and it determines the customer’s interest in your product. A bright and eye-popping soap packaging will attract customers at the first sight. It is believed, the consumers looking to buy products, often select them based on the looks and appearance. Emenac Packaging specializes in the manufacturing of the soap packaging boxes. We offer a variety of packaging box styles depending on size, shape, color schemes and material. We let you choose the custom shape of the soap packaging and imprint it your required colors and add finishing touches, as per your requirements.

Cardboard sleeve soap boxes
The 2-piece sleeve soap boxes are the ones which have a small drawer-like box inside the outer cover. The soaps are kept inside the sleeve which slides out from the outer shell. This kind of packaging is usually preferred by companies who sell the soaps in groups. Soap products being sold together as a group would look extremely exceptional in our specially designed die-cut window sleeve soap boxes. In this particular case, sleeve soap dividing partition boxes will definitely keep your product separate from the others in an efficient and sophisticated manner. This kind of unique packaging is offered by premium soap manufacturers or companies who offer a variety of soaps in one package. The rectangular sleeve soap packaging boxes are usually made from scientifically proved and world-renowned cardboard materials. The cardboard is stiff enough to remain in shape while keeping the sleeve functional. The sleeve is strong enough to handle the weight of multiple soaps. The square and rectangular sleeve soap boxes are the most common shapes for sleeve boxes but, you may also choose to get your own custom printed packaging made from us. The use of cardboard allows us to imprint any shape with perfect die cut edges.

Embossed branding offer distinctive looks
The packaging of your soaps must be able to stand out from rest of the soap boxes on the shelves. We offer the option to get the Tray and sleeve soap boxes finished by adding lamination in gloss or matte to get smoothness. Spot UV lets you get bright shine and protection from scratches. Adding your logo and name on the packaging lets you promote your company. You can add your logo in flashing colors while the text might be embossed to get a distinctive form.

Free shipping in US & Canada
We use the latest technology to manufacture the drawer and sleeve combination boxes and it enables us to offer short lead time for order processing. The short time period for the sample creation, getting it passed and delivering it to the customer after manufacturing the boxes, in minimal time, have enabled us to get 100% customer satisfaction. We offer free shipping services in the United States and Canada for all ordered cosmetics die-cut heart inserted sleeve soap packaging boxes. You can contact us on 888-276-1239 or send an email to sales@emenacpackaging.com to inquire or place the order.